20. Jan. 2021

ALBA is a network of brain scientists committed to fostering fair & diverse scientific communities. The network drafted the ALBA Declaration on Equity and Inclusion as a resource for concrete, positive, evidence-based actions that individuals and organizations at any level can take to promote equity & inclusivity. The declaration has so far been signed by 167 organisations and by 275 individuals. CEITEC MU is sharing many core values with the ALBA network and has been actively striving to create an inclusive working culture since its foundation 10 years ago.

Members of underrepresented groups face persistent barriers to equitable representation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), particularly at advanced stages. Although the historical basis for, and manifestations of, underrepresentation vary by group, discipline, and region, there are striking commonalities in the end result – an apparent ‘leaky pipeline’ that drains the talent pool. The cost of this loss of talent is high – for individuals, for research, and for society as a whole.

According to the ALBA network, two main contributing factors of perpetual underrepresentation in STEM are: implicit bias & workplace culture. ALBA identified a set of concrete actions that organisations can adopt to benefit all members of the research community as well as the scientific enterprise itself. Most of the identified actions are an integral part of CEITEC´s HR Strategy and Action Plan and have already been successfully implemented.

Since its establishment in 2011, CEITEC has been committed to creating an inclusive workplace culture and a healthy and stimulating environment for all. The institute provides onboarding orientation for new employees to navigate them through organizational and local cultural norms and to help them settle in their new workplace. In 2019, CEITEC MU adopted a new Career System, which establishes a transparent career structure and defines possibilities for career development and progress within the institute. The institute is regularly organising career development courses and workshops for researchers of all stages and actively promotes mentoring.

CEITEC MU is also supporting a healthy work-life balance and offers a total of 17 specific tools in its Work-Life Balance Policy. The employees can take advantage of flexible working hours, home office possibilities, part-time contracts, and many other benefits that help them to successfully combine their challenging research careers with family and parenting. All this is even more meaningful during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In 2020, CEITEC adopted a new Recruitment Policy with the aim to attract, motivate and retain the best possible candidates for any given research position, based solely on merit and best-fit with the values and strategic goals of the institute. The institute has repeatedly demonstrated that equity and inclusion are important values that must be lived and promoted.

CEITEC MU is a proud holder of the HR Excellence in Research Award, which was granted by the European Commission. This award is given to research institutions that aim to create international and transparent working environments that correspond to international trends in the field of science. The institute is committed to providing a motivating and dynamic international scientific environment, with open communication and equal opportunities for all employees.

We recognize that there are many individuals & organizations who share these goals.

We invite you to indicate your support by signing the ALBA Declaration on Equity and Inclusion HERE.


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