28. May 2024

CEITEC Brno University of Technology (BUT) has unveiled the newly installed Nvidia DGX A100 and Nvidia DGX H100 computing systems, which will enable expanded capabilities in artificial intelligence research and applications. These systems combine two generations of Nvidia DGX technology, providing exceptional computing capacity and flexibility for a variety of research and industrial applications.

Prof. Pavel Václavek, PhD., head of the Cybernetics and Robotics research group and coordinator of the Industrial Cybernetics, Instrumentation and Systems Integration research program at CEITEC BUT, highlights the use of the new systems in the Digital Europe projects, such as EDIH-DIGIMAT, aimed at digitalization and robotization of manufacturing companies, and AI TEF AI-MATTERS, a network of test environments for AI verification in the industrial sector. "As part of our EDIH and TEF services, we provide companies with the opportunity to experiment with AI, learn and test AI applications on cutting-edge systems that are part of the newly installed supercomputer," explains Prof. Václavek. "In this way, we enable small and medium-sized enterprises with up to 499 employees to use advanced technologies at a 100% subsidised price. Our goal is also to integrate the DGX system with other technologies of our RICAIP Testbed Brno so that we can process data from production machines and robots in real time."

The new DGX A100 and DGX H100 systems, each with eight interconnected GPU accelerators and a total of 640 GB of memory, provide powerful tools for massively parallel computing, which is critical for processing large datasets derived from production data. The two compute nodes are interconnected by an InfiniBand network with transfer rates of up to 200 Gbps, ensuring extremely fast and efficient communication between systems. In addition to the high performance, these systems also provide a robust software layer, including a pre-installed and tuned machine learning environment that enables easy and rapid deployment.

Another advantage is the direct connection to an online database of the most widely used AI frameworks and libraries, allowing users to easily download and use various software tools in container form, accelerating the development and implementation of AI applications. "Thanks to these systems, we can offer companies and our scientists access to state-of-the-art technologies, enabling faster and more efficient research," adds Prof. Václavek. After the installation of the campus 5G network, this is the next addition to the RICAIP Testbed Brno infrastructure in this area.

CEITEC BUT thus confirms its position as a leading scientific institution in the field of research and the use of state-of-the-art technologies to support science and industry.

Nvidia DGX devices are among the most powerful mass-produced systems for AI and deep learning available on the global market. These specialized and powerful systems were supplied by M Computers, a certified Nvidia partner in the Czech Republic and Eastern Europe.

We are publishing this press release together with M Computers.




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