Welcome on the webpage summarizing all important information for foreigners at CEITEC Masaryk University. 

Masaryk University – guidelines for students for NON-COVID/COVID situation

MU Halls of residence COVID fighting measures:

Please keep checking the MU web pages for the coronavirus updates at MU at https://www.muni.cz/en/coronavirus and also the Accommodation services updates for COVID      -fighting measures at MU accommodation services: http://www.skm.muni.cz/kolej?en (News section)
Meetings in general
Ban on parties and other social gatherings in the halls, incl. students‘ rooms
All room meetings
Accommodation services do not recommend even to visit fellow student’s rooms. People can gather in groups of a maximum of six people, incl. in rooms, all shared spaces like  kitchen and outdoor places around halls of residence.
Facemasks must be worn in all common areas in the halls
Night peacetime
It is mandatory to observe night time between 22:00 and 06:00 o’clock.
Violation of the above rules in MU dorms will lead to the immediate termination of the accommodation contract, you may be also reported to police and we also inform your home university about the accident.
Generally speaking, any violation of the COVID-fighting regulations at country-wide scale (see below) may result in the termination of your accommodation contract.
See also country-wide updates. See further details in local news

What to do if

I was in touch with a positive COVID positive person

If the given person provided your contact details to the regional hygienic station, they will contact you and give you further instructions. If not follow the instructions given below:

Contact the health services (see below) immediately to inform them about your situation and ask them for further steps.

- You will find English speaking doctors here
- Public health station in Brno: COVID number +420 773768 994 or +420 541124441
- General emergency number: 112.

You should stay in an isolation/quarantine for the time you will be given further instructions by health services: During quarantine, you shall not leave the apartment and if there is someone who is able to help you with practicalities (e.g. getting the Czech number, do the grocery shopping etc.) it would be surely easier for you. If you will need any help, here are some alternatives which may be useful. 

1. MUNI volunteer service
a. https://munipomaha.cz/en/i-need-help (if you need help with basically anything)
2. Online shopping and grocery delivery:
a. Rohlik.cz
b. iTESCO (incl. pharmacy)
3. Food delivery
a. DameJidlo
b. www.la-patas.cz
4. Online Pharmacy
a. www.brnenskalekarna.cz

When ordering anything online, just make sure you add a note to leave the stuff behind the hotel room doors, they already know what to do.Keep in touch with your family and friends! If you will need any medical consultations or psychological counselling, you may use the contacts provided here:

1. Psychological counselling: https://www.muni.cz/en/students/psychological-counselling

Based on the instructions from the health service you may be instructed to undergo a free PCR COVID test in Brno. See the local COVID testing places bellow. If approved by the health service, you will get COVID testing order by them and you need to take it with you for testing to get it for free. 

COVID testing places in Brno in case approved by health service:
Name: SPADIA LAB Brno Veveří
Address: Veveří 64, Brno, 602 00
Testing registration (in English): https://www.spadia.cz/en/verejnost/vysetreni/objednavka-vysetreni  (switch into English, select Brno-Veveří 64 – indikace lákař an HS, and select date for the test)

Name: St. Anne Teaching Hospital
Address: Pekařská street (C building: entrance from Leitnerova street)
Testing registration (in English): https://c19.fnusa.cz (in English)

Name: Brno Teaching Hospital
Address: Jihlavská 20, 625 00  Brno (Nemocnice Bohunice stop)
Testing registration (in Czech): https://www.reservio.cz/b/fn-brnocovid19/booking (choose the date and select free time by choosing Indikace KHS/Praktický lékař

Make sure you put down the date and time for testing and you show up for the given session sharp.
There are also other testing places for fee-based (self-payers) testing

How to get to a testing place: ideally walk, you should not use public transportation. If you do not feel well enough for walking, call 112 for assistance. Use a face mask and avoid contacts with other people.

I do not feel well (no matter you met someone COVID positive or not):

If you do not feel, and you may have the COVID symptoms (high temperature, difficulty breathing, coughing, muscle aches and fatigue) remember that you shall not leave the room/home. It is necessary to contact your doctor or the relevant public health station or call general emergency number 112 (see below).

- You will find English speaking doctors here.
- Public health station in Brno: COVID number +420 773768 994 or +420 541124441
- General emergency number: 112.

If it will get worse, please don’t hesitate to call an ambulance at 112 (have your passports and insurance number prepared).
Also, keep us updated and let us know any progress. Keep your coordinator at MU in the loop or feel free to reach as at MU Emergency number +420 777 448686 (call, text, Viber or WhatsApp).  
Based on the instructions from the health service you may be instructed to undergo a free PCR COVID test in Brno. See the local COVID testing places bellow. If approved by the health service, you will get COVID testing order by them and you need to take it with you for testing to get it for free.  

COVID testing places in Brno in case approved by health service:
Name: SPADIA LAB Brno Veveří
Address: Veveří 64, Brno, 602 00
Testing registration (in English): https://www.spadia.cz/en/verejnost/vysetreni/objednavka-vysetreni  (switch into English, select Brno-Veveří 64 – indikace lákař a HS, and select date for the test)

Name: St. Anne Teaching Hospital
Address: Pekařská street (C building: entrance from Leitnerova street)
Testing registration (in English): https://c19.fnusa.cz (in English)

Name: Brno Teaching Hospital
Address: Jihlavská 20, 625 00  Brno (Nemocnice Bohunice stop)

Testing registration (in Czech): https://www.reservio.cz/b/fn-brnocovid19/booking (choose the date and select free time by choosing Indikace KHS/Praktický lékař
Make sure you put down the date and time for testing and you show up for the given session sharp.
There are also other testing places for fee based (self-payers) testing: https://www.muni.cz/en/koronavirus/news/testing-locations-for-self-payers
How to get to a testing place: ideally walk, you should not use public transportation. If you do not feel well enough for walking, call 112 for assistance. Use a face mask and ovoid contacts with other people.

I´m in quarantine/isolation until the test result

See the following link for further details on Quarantine/isolation https://koronavirus.mzcr.cz/en/what-should-i-do-if-i-am-in-quarantine

Basic rules: During quarantine you shall not leave the apartment and if there is someone who is able to help you with practicalities (e.g. getting the Czech number, do the grocery shopping etc.) it would be surely easier for you. If you will need any help, here are some alternatives which may be useful:

During quarantine you shall not leave the apartment and if there is someone who is able to help you with practicalities (e.g. getting the Czech number, do the grocery shopping etc.) ask him/her for assistance. If you will need any help, here are some alternatives which may be useful:

1. MUNI volunteer service
a. https://munipomaha.cz/en/i-need-help (if you need help with basically anything)
2. Online shopping and grocery delivery:
a. Rohlik.cz
b.iTESCO (incl. pharmacy)
3. Food delivery
a. DameJidlo
b. www.la-patas.cz
4. Online Pharmacy
a. www.brnenskalekarna.cz

When ordering anything online, just make sure you add a note to leave the stuff behind the hotel room doors, they already know what to do.
Keep in touch with your family and friends! If you will need any medical consultations or psychological counselling, you may use the contacts provided here:

1. List of doctors: https://czs.muni.cz/en/student-from-abroad/international-student-guide/medical-aid#doctors-speaking-english
2. Psychological counselling: https://www.muni.cz/en/students/psychological-counselling

Test results:
Negative: Contact the health services (see below) immediately to inform them about your situation and ask them for further steps.
- You will find English speaking doctors here: https://czs.muni.cz/en/student-from-abroad/international-student-guide/medical-aid#doctors-speaking-english
- Public health station in Brno: COVID number +420 773768 994 or +420 541124441
- General emergency number: 112.

You should stay in an isolation/quarantine for the time you will be given further instructions by health services: During quarantine, you shall not leave the apartment and if there is someone who is able to help you with practicalities (e.g. getting the Czech number, do the grocery shopping etc.) it would be surely easier for you. If you will need any help, here are some alternatives which may be useful:
1. MUNI volunteer service
https://munipomaha.cz/en/i-need-help (if you need help with basically anything)
2. Online shopping and grocery delivery:
a. Rohlik.cz
b. iTESCO (incl. pharmacy)
3. Food delivery
a. DameJidlo
b. www.la-patas.cz
4. Online Pharmacy

When ordering anything online, just make sure you add a note to leave the stuff behind the hotel room doors, they already know what to do.
Keep in touch with your family and friends! If you will need any medical consultations or psychological counselling, you may use the contacts provided here:
1. Psychological counselling: https://www.muni.cz/en/students/psychological-counselling

I have a positive test result for COVID-19

I live in MU Halls of residence:
The local hygienic has contacted you about the fact you were tested positively for the COVID test. You should follow the instructions given to you by the local hygienic station. Additionally, you need to immediately inform the following units:
- You need to enter the information you got positive into MU information system https://is.muni.cz/auth/koronavirus
- Your coordinator from the study office/international office. Share your phone number so the communication can be smooth (WhatsApp)

If you have been ordered into quarantine, you should stay at home and not go out anywhere (even to go shopping or to the doctor’s). In the case of health problems, it is necessary to contact your doctor or the relevant public health station or call 112, though you must state that you are in ordered quarantine. If you have the opportunity, use delivery services for shopping, if you do not have such an opportunity, it is possible to leave your home for the necessary time.

MU Accommodation services will follow the recommendation of local hygienic station plus internal rules. They will also inform you about further steps in terms of moving out to a different room/staying in original room. By that time you should stay in your room and not go out anywhere (even to go shopping or to the doctor’s). In the case of health problems, it is necessary to contact your doctor or the relevant public health station or call general emergency number 112, though you must state that you are in ordered quarantine. If you have the opportunity, use delivery services for shopping, if you do not have such an opportunity, it is possible to leave your home for the necessary time.

See further details about the quarantine in the Czech Republic at https://koronavirus.mzcr.cz/en/what-should-i-do-if-i-am-in-quarantine

If you are ordered to move to another halls of residence/elsewhere take some stuff (such as clothes, toiletries, silver, laptop, smart phone, charger and school stuff)  with you for app. 2 weeks (incl. hygienic stuff). You can leave the other belonging in the original room.
You should not use the public transportation to get to a new place, but preferable walk. It there is no way to walk, talk to local hygienic station about the options you have.
During quarantine you shall not leave the apartment and if there is someone who is able to help you with practicalities (e.g. getting the Czech number, do the grocery shopping etc.) ask him/her for assistance. If you will need any help, here are some alternatives which may be useful:

1. MUNI volunteer service
a. https://munipomaha.cz/en/i-need-help (if you need help with basically anything)
2. Online shopping and grocery delivery:
a. Rohlik.cz
b. iTESCO (incl. pharmacy)
3. Food delivery
a. DameJidlo
b. www.la-patas.cz
4. Online Pharmacy
a. www.brnenskalekarna.cz

When ordering anything online, just make sure you add a note to leave the stuff behind the hotel room doors, they already know what to do.
Keep in touch with your family and friends! If you will need any medical consultations or psychological counselling, you may use the contacts provided here:

1. List of doctors: https://czs.muni.cz/en/student-from-abroad/international-student-guide/medical-aid#doctors-speaking-english
2. Psychological counselling: https://www.muni.cz/en/students/psychological-counselling

I do not live in MU Halls of residence:
The local hygienic has contacted you about the fact you were tested positively for the COVID test. You should follow the instructions given to you by local hygienic station. Additionally, you need to immediately inform the following units:
- You need to enter the information you got positive into MU information system https://is.muni.cz/auth/koronavirus
- Your coordinator from the study office/international office. Share your phone number so the communication can be smooth (WhatsApp)

If you have been ordered into quarantine, you should stay at home and not go out anywhere (even to go shopping or to the doctor’s). In the case of health problems, it is necessary to contact your doctor or the relevant public health station or call 112, though you must state that you are in ordered quarantine. If you have the opportunity, use delivery services for shopping, if you do not have such an opportunity, it is possible to leave your home for the necessary time.

See further details about the quarantine in the Czech Republic at https://koronavirus.mzcr.cz/en/what-should-i-do-if-i-am-in-quarantine

During quarantine, you shall not leave the apartment and if there is someone who is able to help you with practicalities (e.g. getting the Czech number, do the grocery shopping etc.) it would be surely easier for you. If you will need any help, here are some alternatives which may be useful:

1. MUNI volunteer service
a. https://munipomaha.cz/en/i-need-help (if you need help with basically anything)
2. Online shopping and grocery delivery:
a. Rohlik.cz
b. iTESCO (incl. pharmacy)
3. Food delivery
a. DameJidlo
4. Online Pharmacy
a. www.brnenskalekarna.cz

​​When ordering anything online, just make sure you add a note to leave the stuff behind the hotel room doors, they already know what to do.
Keep in touch with your family and friends! If you will need any medical consultations or psychological counselling, you may use the contacts provided here:

1. List of doctors: https://czs.muni.cz/en/student-from-abroad/international-student-guide/medical-aid#doctors-speaking-english
2. Psychological counselling: https://www.muni.cz/en/students/psychological-counselling

Before you travel