Dear colleagues,

Covid-19 vaccines are finally becoming available in the Czech Republic. First, they will be given to doctors and medical staff, people over 80 years of age and people suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity or people after organ transplantation. In the first three months of this year, 1.5 million vaccines are expected to arrive in the Czech Republic. Although vaccines are on its way and could be our entry ticket back to normal life, there is still large number of people who are sceptical and do not want to get vaccinated. In the Czech Republic, there is a growing distaste for vaccination and a lot of fake news is currently spreading online. The flood of misinformation further worsens the already negative effects of the coronavirus crisis. Please support our pro-vaccination campaign and share with us (using the form below) why will you get vaccinated. We designed a special frame for your Facebook profile photo demonstrating your support for the covid-19 vaccination. This frame will help to spread your statement among your colleagues and friends and hopefully inspire others to join our cause. This frame can be used by anyone who supports vaccination!

Click HERE to frame your Facebook profile picture.

"Every day, a large number of new posts appear on social media that are questioning the covid-19 vaccine, but those posts are not supported by concrete evidence. The rapid development of vaccines is often criticised, despite the fact that the vaccines have undergone all the steps of testing and independent control," says structural virologist Pavel Plevka. While many countries have been trying to prevent disinformation for several months and are organizing massive information campaigns, in the Czech Republic, disinformation websites are unfortunately the most active, spreading fake news and discouraging citizens from vaccination and thus endangering lives. Semantic Visions, private company which maps the disinformation associated with coronavirus for the Czech Ministry of Health, reported that since the end of September, fake news about vaccines have increased significantly and created a negative impression and scared many citizens. Disinformation websites publish dozens of articles per day on the subject, but they are also being spread by Facebook groups with tens of thousands of members. People should not be subject to fake news and spread them further, because this approach can indirectly threaten their lives and the lives of their loved ones, and also delay the return to normal life for all fellow citizens.

After filling out the following form, we will send you a specially created photo with your quote, stating why will YOU get vaccinated and with QR code leading to the Facebook frame "I WILL GET VACCINATED". You can share this photo on your own social media networks and help us herewith to motivate also others to join this cause. Thank you for your support!

Do you want to add a frame to your Facebook profile photo right now? Click HERE