About event
We would like to cordially invite you to the third out of a series of eight Alzheimer's Disease workshops (AD-workshops). This event received funding from the four-year-long Excellence Hubs project ADDIT-CE (101087124), and it is organized twice a year.
In the current format, there will be participants from the ADDIT-CE consortium from Czechia and Slovakia, as well as other researchers working in the AD area from the same region. Registration has been closed. If you have not managed to register but you would like to join the event, please contact us via email inquiring about possible capacities: Ivana.Kozakova@ceitec.muni.cz.
AD workshop No.3 will take place on Thursday, 23 May 2024. Thanks to Martina Hložánková, it will be organized on the grounds of BioVendor company (the full address is available below under "Venue").
We are very happy we could renew the tradition of AD meetings established by Jiří Damborský several years ago, and we are looking forward to having you with us, joining the discussion on Alzheimer's disease.