27. May 2019

Are you a student, a scientist or a start-up entrepreneur? Do you have a great project or a problem solution and can you introduce it to others in 3 minutes? Sign up for the Falling Walls Lab international competition and win your journey to Berlin and participate in the world finals.

CEITEC in cooperation with DAAD, German Embassy in Prague, company xITEE, VIDA! Center, TA CR and CzechInvest organize Falling Walls Lab Czech Republic. The aim of the competition is to promote exceptional ideas, to globally connect promising scientists and entrepreneurs from all areas. Participants present their research plans, business plans or citizens' initiative (in English) to the audience and jury. The key to success is only 3 minutes, the time given for the presentation. The winner of the Czech round will receive a cash prize of EUR 1000 and an automatic entrance to Berlin.

The deadline for applications for the Czech round is 30 June 2019. The competition itself takes place on 2 October 2019 in Brno.

Detailed information about the competition can be found on the website or facebook of the event. Please see below the photos from the last year.