17. Jan. 2020

Pipette and measure the sample, taste ice cream prepared with liquid nitrogen. In the microwave, make a plasma, mix a plastic star, "stop time" and take the cutter out of a 3D printer. Every first Saturday of the month, BUT faculties and university centers prepare an interesting program for small scientists, who have the opportunity to explore various fields of science and technology. The second Saturday in January belonged to CEITEC BUT, where the pupils of the 2nd level of elementary schools could see, in addition to experiments, the laboratories, where they get know what it is like to be a scientist. Fearless ones have even tried what it is like to put a hand in liquid nitrogen and have learned what happens if, for example, there is a long submerged flower. So, they are convinced that the great world of science does not have to be just for adult scientists.

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Events and Guests News

BUT Juniors at CEITEC have tried silicon cutting and other experiments

11. 4. 2018


CEITEC Student Talent Supports Talented High School Students

22. 2. 2019