Internal Registration

CEITEC Consortium Christmas Meetup 2024

About event

Join us for the CEITEC Consortium Christmas Meetup 2024! This meetup will again bring us together across the CEITEC community to share our science and celebrate the holiday season. It's an excellent opportunity to learn about new developments from the leadership of all partners and listen to some cutting-edge science talks from our recent hires. Let us use the social time together to make new connections and renew old friendships in a relaxed Christmas atmosphere.

The capacity is limited, please register (links are below).


register   I am an employee at CEITEC MU

register   I am an employee at CEITEC BUT

register   I am an employee / a PhD candidate at: CEITEC MENDELU, CEITEC VETUNI, CEITEC IPM, CEITEC VRI

REGISTER   I am a PhD candidate at CEITEC MU

REGISTER   I am a PhD candidate at CEITEC BUT


16:30–17:00 Registration
17:00–17:45 Welcome word by  Pavel Tomančák + Consortium partners presentations + Brnoregion Microscopy presentation
17:45–18:30 Refreshment

Scientific presentations (15min/person)

  • CEITEC MU – Petr Těšina
  • CEITEC BUT – Andrea Konečná
  • CEITEC MU – Gabriel Demo
  • CEITEC BUT – Vinicius Tadeu Santana
19:30–23:00 Dinner, flash talks, networking activities & social programme including music



2. 12. 2024, 17:00 - 23:00
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Pavel Tomančák
Pavel Tomančák


Brno Observatory and Planetarium, Kraví hora 2, 616 00 Brno