We test materials and products for chemical composition, components and impurities. We can analyze a wide range of products and samples, with detection down to trace levels.


Chemical composition analysis can require the application of a combination of analytical methods in order to achieve a full picture of the chemical structures and concentrations of the components in a sample. To aid product development, the concentration of specific components, such as an active ingredient which impart a unique function to the product, should be determined in order to understand the product's performance or quality.

Obtaining reliable impurity profiles can also assist with product development and resolve manufacturing issues. Unknown substances can be very difficult to identify. 

Our chemical analysis laboratories test samples, materials and products for chemical composition and impurities. Our chemical analysis scientists have extensive expertise in determining the chemical composition of a sample, trace analysis, reverse engineering, elemental analysis, trace metals testing, REACH substance ID testing and advanced research support. We regularly develop and optimise (and validate, if necessary) analytical methods to make them suitable for your requirements and the industry sector within which you operate. At CEITEC BUT, we also provide composition analysis - first identifying the unknown substances (via the deformulation process) and then quantifying them in the sample.

We apply our Total Quality Assurance expertise to provding composition analysis serving a wide range of industry sectors and sample types including chemicals, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, polymers, medical devices, consumer products, packaging materials and more.


Analysis contact

Martin Juliš, Ph.D.
Martin Juliš, Ph.D.
Senior Researcher
Personal Profile


CEITEC Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Purkyňova 123
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