Workshop Registration

Cytoplasmic biopsies for the temporal profiling of single cells by Fluidic Force Microscopy

About event

Go beyond in single cell manipulation

Gentle and accurate single-cell injection and cytoplasmic biopsies

Fluidic force microscopy, or FluidFM is a biophysical technique for conducting single-cell biopsies. This innovative approach enables the extraction of a part of the cytoplasm from individual living cells while preserving their viability. 

These cytoplasmic biopsies can be used for subsequent highly-sensitive, low-input RNA-seq analysis to characterize single cells multiple times throughout their lifetime. Moreover, the FluidFM Nanosyringes extend their utility by facilitating the targeted introduction of various molecular components into cells, including RNA, DNA, proteins, and even molecular complexes such as CRISPR/Cas9 RNPs

This functionality streamlines the transfection processes for plasmids and transcription factors and enables entire cell line engineering workflows. 

By exploring the capabilities of FluidFM in this seminar, we seek to uncover its potential implications for advancing the comprehension of intricate cellular processes, thus fostering new dimensions in cellular analysis and molecular investigation.

Please register HERE.



Wednesday, October 18

8:30 - 9:00 Registration, coffee (E35/145)
9:00 - 9:30

Fluidic Force Microscopy
Dr. T. Gerecsei, Cytosurge, Switzerland

9:30 - 10:00

Remote demonstration
Dr. L. Rizzo, Cytosurge, Switzerland

10:00 - 10:30 Q&A



18. 10. 2023
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CF Nanobiotechnology
CF Nanobiotechnology


CEITEC MU, University Campus, Building E35, Room 145