About event
The course is intended for students/postdocs/staff who wants to learn about principles of light microscopy. During the course you will learn fundamentals of image formation, principle rules and laws applied in light microscopy, Abbe’s resolution, what are principle parts of a light microscope and how to properly acquire image using widefield or confocal microscope. The last part is dedicated to basics of image processing and analysis, where you will learn how to properly adjust and analyze your images using various software packages.
Registration fee: 600 CZK academic, 3 000 CZK commercial.
Coffee breaks with refreshments are provided during the course.
Tuesday, 13 June: 9:00–17:00
Welcome, principles of light microscopy, properties of light, transmitted light microscopy, different contrasting techniques DIC, phase contrast, dark field. Fluorescence, widefield microscopy, optical sectioning methods, confocal microscopy.
Wednesday, 14 June: 9:00–17:00
Practical: Image acquisition at different microscopy platforms – transmitted light, fluorescence widefield and confocal microscopes.
Thursday, 15 June: 9:00–17:00
Image processing and analysis - FIJI, Cell Profiler, Imaris, ZEN.