Are you a young (post-PhD) researcher looking to expand your knowledge and network? Joining the Postdoc Association might just be the perfect opportunity for you! Our association aims to foster a community among postdocs, where you will have the chance to meet researchers from different fields and backgrounds, gain valuable experience in your field of study, and develop important skills for your future career.

By joining the association, you will have a chance to participate in various events and activities organized by the Postdoc Peer Committee. We organise events such as barbecues, hikes, special Tea Times, and a Postdoc Retreat, as well as career development workshops. These events provide an opportunity to meet and network with other postdocs and enjoy some time away from the lab and office. Furthermore, The Postdoc Peer Committee is here to confidentially communicate any workplace-related issues to the management of CEITEC and help resolve them.

Joining the Postdoc Association is easy. Please fill out the membership form below. You will receive regular emails from the Postdoc Peer Committee with updates on events and opportunities. 

We look forward to welcoming you to our community and hope to see you at our upcoming events.
Your Postdoc Peer Committee

Join Postdoc Association at CEITEC

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News Research

Maximize Your Chances of Getting MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Funding

21. 2. 2023


Don't Miss the 3rd Annual Postdoc Retreat in Chateau Křtiny

24. 8. 2022

Fantastic Showcase of Postdoctoral Research in the Czech Republic

27. 9. 2019