Lecture Registration PhD

Life after PhD with Jan Adam

About event

Join us for the last session of the Life after PhD/Career Café Live event series in 2023. This time we welcome Masaryk University alumni, Ing. et Ing. Jan Adam, Ph.D.

Jan Adam is the R&D Manager of the Radiopharmaceuticals division of ÚJV. The Division specializes in the production of radiopharmaceuticals, mainly for positron emission tomography (PET), an imaging method of diagnostic nuclear medicine important mainly for oncological diagnostics. UJV is currently the biggest producer of PET radiopharmaceuticals in Czechia, supplying over 90% of used PET radiopharmaceuticals. Jan’s main job is to identify the best potential new radiotracers, find a way to implement them here (licensing, collaborations) and bring them to clinical use for Czech patients. Thanks to the short-living radioisotopes used for labelling, these substances cannot be transported to long distances and setting up the production here is virtually the only reasonable option.

Jan also participates in popularizing science by giving lectures at universities, events, and streams, interviews for media, and writing newspaper/magazine articles. In his free time, he likes spending his time with his wife and two daughters, playing pub quizzes, and playing and translating boardgames.

Jan is willing to share his career experience with you. What difficulties did he face? What would he recommend to young scientists? Do not miss this unique opportunity to meet the lecturer in person! Little refreshment provided.

The lecture will take place in meeting room 211 in E35 on Tuesday, 12 December 2023, 15:30 - 16:30. The online connection via ZOOM is possible, access information will be received before the event. Please register until 8 December 2023.

In case of any questions, feel free to contact Michaela Fajkusová.

Registration extended until 11 December 2023!


What will you gain from attending the event?

  • You will get the answer to the question: What skills acquired during your PhD studies have helped make your career life easier?
  • Broaden your horizons in possible career paths after your PhD.
  • You can meet the speaker Ing. et Ing. Jan Adam, Ph.D. directly and establish further cooperation.

More information

This event is part of the online series "Career Café Live" within the Twinning project INTEG-RNA.


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12. 12. 2023, 15:30 - 16:30
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Jan Adam
Jan Adam
ÚJV Řež, a. s.


Michaela Fajkusová
Michaela Fajkusová


CEITEC MU, University Campus, Building E35, Room 211 + ZOOM