Non-Coding RNAs in Microenvironmental Interactions of B Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
- Project type: GACR EXPRO
- Project coordinator: CEITEC MU
- Grant provider/investor: Czech Science Foundation
- Project code: GX25-15368X
- Implementation period: 01.01.2025 – 31.12.2029
- Total budget:
- Budget for CEITEC MU:
Project description:
It has been shown that short non-coding RNAs (microRNAs) play a key role in normal and malignant B lymphocyte functions; however, the functions of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) remain unclear. We aim to decipher for the first time lncRNAs’ role in B cell receptor (BCR) signaling and B-T cell interactions. These microenvironmental pathways are essential for normal B cell functions and are frequently dysregulated in “mature” B cell neoplasms. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the most frequent leukemia in adults, depends on largely unclear mechanisms (dys)regulating these pathways. We identified 3 candidate lncRNAs involved in microenvironmental interactions of CLL. We will decipher the molecular functions of these lncRNAs using biochemical and cellular approaches and via a novel lncRNA knock-out mouse model. Furthermore, we developed a novel co-culture model inducing robust primary CLL cell proliferation (~50%) in vitro. We propose to utilize this game-changing tool to perform the firstever CRISPR screening of lncRNAs/genes regulating primary CLL cell proliferation.
Principal investigator:
Phone: +420 54949 8143, +420 532 234 830