
Postdoctoral Programme

A postdoctoral fellow, abbreviated as POSTDOC, engages in research with a research team, focusing on specific projects and developing their scientific thinking and skills. At CEITEC, postdoctoral fellows gain practical research experience, collaborate with an international team and partnerships from academic and industrial environments, and are expected to mentor younger researchers and potentially participate in educational activities.


Onboarding at CEITEC MU

Onboarding is a structured process of gradual adaptation of a newcomer which usually starts with the admission of a new employee into a team and may take up to one year. During the onboarding process, the newcomer acquires knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of his/her job position, meets colleagues, gets familiar with the institutional culture, processes, and rules.  Onboarding at CEITEC MU is primarily focused on the period of the first three months. Particularly in this period, it is necessary to provide the newcomer with sufficient support and help to ensure a strong and rewarding start and successful integration.  


We Are in the Heart of Europe

CEITEC in Brno

We are the Czech Republic´s flagship basic research institute in the area of life sciences, material sciences, and nanotechnology. We are an international, progressive, and interdisciplinary research institute with access to unique state-of-the-art equipment that is hard to find within one organization. Our modern buildings are located in Brno.


Life in Brno

With excellent quality of living. With low costs compared to other EU cities allowing a comfortable way of life ranks among the best and safest places in the world.. Moreover, Brno is known as the European Silicon Valley. There are universities and a competitive business environment with hundreds of R&D companies, thousands of people employed in science, and millions of euros spent on research each year. City in the region of wine, beer and culture.

HR award

HR award

Již od svého založení považuje CEITEC MU své zaměstnance za klíčové pro vybudování úspěšného vědeckého centra a realizaci kvalitního výzkumu. Samotná špičková infrastruktura, moderní laboratoře a alokované finanční prostředky neznamenají nic bez kvalitních lidí.

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