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HR Excellence in Research: HR Strategy and Action Plan

Since its establishment, CEITEC MU has considered people the most important factor for building a successful research centre and carrying out high-quality research. Having top end infrastructure, modern premises and budget allocation means nothing without quality people and their inputs.

Constantly looking for improvements in HR management and development, CEITEC MU presents the HR Strategy and Action Planimplementing the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

The HR Strategy aims to bring significant progress in HR management in research by implementing modern HR principles suitable for the academic environment and complying with the European Charter and Code.

For Whom?

All research and core facility staff constitute the target group for the HR Strategy and Action Plan. All groups of researchers are specifically addressed by the HR Strategy and Action Plan since each stage of a research career requires a tailored approach, having different needs and facing different challenges. We believe that implementing the Action Plan will, moreover, also bring a positive effect to non-research employees through cultivating the institute’s culture and improving the general working conditions.

What is in the Action Plan?

The Action Plan specifies priorities and actions for the upcoming three years (2024-2027), building upon results and impact of the previously implemented action plan (2018-2023).

The HRS4R Action Plan declares six priority areas – further developped in 20 actions:

  • Recruitment and onboarding practices
  • Career system and career development
  • PhD School development
  • Researchers’ evaluation system (incl. leadership assessment)
  • Working environment, communication and participatory management
  • Gender equality and diversity management (Gender Equality Plan)

Have a look at the HR Strategy and Action Plans:



Eliška Handlířová
HR Award Coordinator

Phone:      +420 54949 4481
Mobile:     +420 724 517 046
Office:      Kamenice 753/5, Brno, 625 00, office E35/166  



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