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Booking system
Direct access for registered users to the booking system.
Registration to booking system for unregistered users.
Main Activity
Scanning probe microscopies for imaging of biological samples - tissue slices, cells, single biomolecules as nucleic acids and proteins. Studies of affinity interactions at the molecular level.
Unique Features
- Biomolecules - imaging
- Cells - imaging
- Cells - mechanical properties
- Measurement of upconversion luminescence
- Multi-electrode array (MEA)
- Nano-objects imaging
- Raman microscopy
- Raman-AFM combined microscopy
Key Equipment
- AFM microscopy system for nanobiointeractios
- AFM NanoWizard® 4XP combined with a fluorescence microscope
- Bruker Multimode 8-HR
- Combined AFM / inverted optical microscope
- Entry-level AFM microscope
- Multichannel MEA2100-Mini
- NTMDT NTgra Vita
- Raman microscope Renishaw inVia
- Upconversion scanner
- BSL-2 laboratory
You can get acquainted with the laboratory equipment in the online course CF Nanobiotechnology Instruments and Methods. The aim of the video course is to acquaint students, the public and potential CF users about the devices and methods available within the laboratory. The video course is divided according to individual methods, each of which contains an introduction, theory, possible applications, methodology and data processing, from general information to specific examples of individual devices.
The Core Facility is part of Czech national centre of European Research Infrastructure Consortium INSTRUCT ERIC under the Czech Infrastructure for Integrative Structural Biology (CIISB) funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.